Elder Amphilochios (in the world, Athanasios Makris) was born in 1889 on the island of Patmos — where according to tradition St. John the Theologian was exiled; and where he received the divine “apocalypse” that would form the last canonical book of the New Testament — The Book of Revelation. Elder Amphilochios, a hieromonk, was a great defender of Orthodoxy, and for many years Abbot of the Monastery of St. John on Patmos. He also founded the women’s monastery of The Annunciation [Evangelismos] of the Mother of the Beloved in 1937. He was noted for his many virtues, his love, humility and fatherly concern for his spiritual children. Fr. Amphilochios was a great believer in the strength of monasticism and in Christian missionary work. He himself traveled as a preacher throughout the war years and beyond, founding monasteries, orphanages and various charitable institutions throughout the Greek islands. The Elder reposed in 1970. On Wednesday, August 29, 2018, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate added the Elder to the calendar of saints.
Hymns in honour of the newly-glorified elder, St. Amphilochios Makris.
Apolytikion (Troparion)
Tone 5. The Co-beginningless Word
Let us all praise Amphilochios, the new star of the Church of Christ, truly the ornament of the island of Patmos, the beauty of monastics and lover of piety, the lamp of prudence; he intercedes to the Lord that He may have mercy on our souls.
Tone 3. The Virgin Today
In the last days father, you have shown to be a boast of the Church, shining with the virtues; wherefore we cry out to you with reverence, deliver us all from dangers, Amphilochios, the divine glory and pride of Patmos.
Megalynarion (Magnification)
Rejoice the beauty of Priests, rejoice the revered ornament of Venerables, rejoice the glory and boast of Greece and of all Orthodox, O Amphilochios.
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